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Priority element – must achieve 40% of points on scorecard
The Masibambisane Empowerment Trust (ME Trust) is a 100% broad-based black owned BEE Trust that can partner with your company.
  • Masibambisane means “Let’s work together” in Zulu, which is how Rays of Hope works with their partners in Alex, and how we would like to work with you.
  • Beneficiaries are black South Africans living in Alex; over 60% of whom are black women.
  • Black-owned and controlled by designated black unemployed beneficiaries
  • Governance and structure meets all DTI requirements of broad-based ownership schemes, as well as all new requirements at least 50% of fiduciaries are independent, at least 50% of fiduciaries are black and at least 25% of Trustees are women; the Chairperson is independent
  • Measurable empowerment through education, upliftment of orphans and the vulnerable, skills development and work readiness
  • Shares donated to the trust will contribute to the sustainability of the work being done in Alex
  • Shares can also be partially donated and partially bought through vendor-financing (repaid with dividends)
  • The beneficiaries will receive benefit directly through the impact of the projects
  • To improve your management control element, a black female director will represent the trust on your board, without ‘interfering’ with management of your company
  • All dividend payments are seen as donations, and benefit from donations tax, as the trust is registered for Section 18A status

We're looking for partners who believe in the work being done and
are partnering for the right reasons

Ownership points earned when partnering with the ME Trust (MET):

Definition How MET can help Points
Exercisable voting rights in the entity in the hands of black people MET will place the requisite number of black board members to ensure full points 4
Exercisable voting rights in the entity in the hands of black women MET will place the requisite number of black female board members to ensure full points 2
Economic interest in the entity to which black people are entitled Assuming MET owns 25% equity 4
Economic interest in the entity to which black women are entitled Assuming MET owns 25% equity, full points are achieved as >50% of beneficiaries are black females 2
Economic interest of black natural people in the entity 100% of MET recipients are black beneficiaries of a broad-based ownership scheme, therefore scoring full points 3
New entrants While MET is <R50 million in value it is able to provide partners with these points 2
Net value If MET’s ownership shares are paid for within the allocated time period you score full points 8
Total potential points 25*

*25 points equals 100% of the points available on the Generic scorecard